Harry Winston (HARRY WINSTON) product history and timeline explained

We will explain the history and timeline of Harry Winston products. We will explain the products in an easy-to-understand manner even for first-time customers.

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2013 The Winston Legacy is a pear-shaped diamond that is perfect in every respect.
2010 The Lily Cluster collection, based on the motif of lily flowers, is released.
1988 The salon has arrived in Japan for the first time.
1978 Harry Winston dies at age 82.
1966 Created the famous Taylor-Burton Diamond.
1958 Donated the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian Institution.
1955 The first overseas store opened in Switzerland, followed two years later by another in France.
1949 A jewelry exhibition is held at the Court of Jewels, which means the court of jewels.
1943 Winning the 34ct emerald "Stortusberry Emerald".
1940 The birth of the Winston Cluster motif.
1935 Acquired the 726ct rough diamond "Jonker".
1932 Harry Winston is founded in New York.
1920 He founded his first business, Premier Diamonds.
1909 The family moved to Los Angeles, where Harry began working under his father.
1896 Harry Winston was born in New York as the son of a small jewelry store owner.


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